Crimes of Passion have for centuries been used as an excuse by the mainly male defendants to escape murder convictions; in some countries they still are... but the laws are changing.
"The traditional crime of passion is to be swept away in the most radical overhaul of the murder laws in 50 years" wrote Frances Gibb (Legal Editor) in The Times July 29, 2008... Harriet Harman (Minister for Women) said "We want to abolish the culture of excuses that allows a man who has killed his wife to say, I killed her but it's not my fault because she was having an affair."
U.S. Bureau of Justice.
Professor Julie Mertus,
School International Service.
TIME MAGAZINE, 11/08/1990
"Brazil: Crimes of Passion".
International Press Service, 6 June 2006.
BBC NEWS, 2006/02/06.
47-year-old "Internet Chatroom Murderer" Thomas Montgomery, posing as a 21-year-old marine named "Tommy", developed a serious online relationship with 17-year-old "Jessi" (chat name Talhotblond).
This relationship was inflamed when a fellow work mate of Montgomery's, 22-year-old Brian Barret, also became involved online with "Jessi" in what became an online-based love triangle.
Jealousy finally drove Montomery to shoot Barret dead in the work car park.
The crazy part is, "Jessi" was actually a middle-aged woman using pictures of her 17-year-old daughter for her online flirting.
Police were astounded that the murder resulted from jealousy over a deadly love triangle where the men involved had never actually met the woman or known who she really was. (ref: Wikipedia)... Chat Room Safety
Police discovered that the victim's attractive 38 year old wife had been having adulterous affairs with 3 men, one of whom was a veterinary surgeon.
Turns out the jealous animal Doctor had injected enough Strychnine to kill 500 men through the cork of the bottle, then replaced the official invitation to himself on the liquor company's letterhead with another to the victim written on plain paper (the typewriter he used was later identified).
2006... A love triangle involving 2 female Belgian sky divers ended in one crashing into the ground at 120 m.p.h. after parachute ropes were cut.
It seems a male member of the skydiving club had been sleeping with married 38 year-old
Van Doren (a mother of two) as well as jealous 26 year-old Clottemans. Clottemans, who had
a history of psychological problems, later attempted suicide.
2009... Wenzhou (China) party official Xie Zaixing choked his mistress of 9 years (who was pregnant with twins at the time) during an argument over his failure to leave and divorce his wife (who was suffering from breast cancer and depression).
Zaixing then chopped her body up into four parts and dumped the four weighted bags into a river.
The only thing worse than murdering a spouse or lover in the name of love is murdering one's own children... without doubt the most despicable crimes of passion.
Find more about Crimes of Passion at
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