Drunk Driving Facts Show
Driving Under The Influence Of
Alcohol Or Drugs Is A Killer.

Drunk Driving Facts are frightening.

One American is killed every 39 minutes on average in a DUI (or Alcohol-Impaired Driving) Fatality.

There were 13,041 such fatalities in 2007 according to the National Center for Statistics and Analysis.

On average over 700,000 Americans are injured each year in Alcohol and Drug related accidents. Around 1.5 million drivers are arrested each year for driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs.

A majority of of countries set a Blood Alcohol Content (the legal level at which driving "impairment" is deemed to occur) at 0.05 (e.g.Australia, France, Germany, Italy, Turkey, Taiwan).

Many set it lower...(e.g. U.A.E, Brazil, Saudi Arabia at Zero Tolerance; China, Sweden at 0.02%; Japan, India at 0.03%; Lithuania at 0.04%.

While a number set it higher at 0.08% (e.g. U.S.A., United Kingdom, Mexico).

More Drunk Driving Facts from various surveys:

car safety tips drunk drive
  • Over 1/3 of U.S. road fatalities involve Alcohol-Impaired drivers.

  • 32% of DUI fatalities in 2007 involved a BAC of over 0.08.

  • The 21 to 24 age group accounted for 34% of Alcohol-Impaired-Fatalities in 2008.

  • The 25-34 age group accounted for 31% of Alcohol-Impaired-Fatalities in 2008.

  • Nearly 75% of drunk drivers killed in 2008 weren't wearing seat belts (where belt use was known).

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  • In 2007, 55% of drivers involved in fatal crashes had a BAC over 0.15.

  • Drivers in a fatality with a BAC over 0.08 were 8 times more likey to have a prior conviction.

  • 77% of drunk driving crashes occur at night.

  • 40% of alcohol-impaired-drivers in fatalities were speeding.

  • Men are twice as likely to be involved in a DUI fatality than women.

  • 18% of fatalities involve other drugs as well (e.g. marijuana, cocaine).

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  • Beer is the most common type of alcohol associated with Alcohol Impaired Driving.

  • The worst DUI accident in the U.SA. occurred in 1988 when a driver with a BAC of 0.24 hit a school bus killing 27 (mostly children) and injuring another 34.

  • Over 50% of drunk drivers who have their licence suspended continue to drive.

  • A BAC above 0.40 is potentially lethal.

  • A former Seattle police officer registered a 0.47 BAC in April 2007 after she struck two cars.

    In November 2007 a female in Oregon was found passed out in her car... BAC 0.55.

    December 2007 a driver was found unconscious, her car stuck in a snow bank with a BAC of 0.72.

    In 2009 a South Dakota woman was hospitalised with a BAC of 0.780 after being caught in a stolen car. When released on bond she was rearrested the next day DUI in another stolen car.

  • The highest ever recorded BAC whilst driving was a Frenchman in 2005... 0.976. (ref: Wikipedia)
Driving, Alcohol and Drugs don't mix.

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