Future Electronics Will
Change The Way You live.

Future Electronics in the world of tomorrow will drastically change the way you live and do business.

Technology will race ahead in a computer-generated explosion of exciting new products and devices. In many ways life will become easier and more fun. In other ways it will become faster, more stressful and vulnerable to attack in matters relating to personal and business security.

So hang on, and enjoy the ride.

Electronics Changing A Future World... e-Paper.

"Thirty-five years in the making, electronic paper is now closer than ever to changing the way we read, write, and study... a revolution so profound that some see it as second only to the invention of the printing press in the 15th century.
Made of flexible material, requiring ultra-low power consumption, cheap to manufacture, and... most important... easy and convenient to read, e-papers of the future are just around the corner, with the promise to hold libraries on a chip and replace most printed newspapers before the end of the next decade.
This article will cover the history, technology, and future of what will be the second paper revolution".

... The Future Of Things Website, October 2007.

This article about e-Paper is a real eye opener, and shows just how much the world we've become used to is rapidly changing.

The younger generation have grown up with this rapid state of change. They're not frightened by it... they embrace it eagerly. The challenge for the older generation is not to be left behind by this new computer driven Technological Revolution... because that's what it is... a New Revolution.

Electronics Changing The World.

Electronics Changing The World.

Electronics Changing The World.

Electronics Changing The World.

Electronics Changing The World.

Electronics Changing The World.

Electronics Changing The World.

Electronics Changing The World.

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Who Ate My Lunch?
by Eugene Roberts

cover who ate my lunch

The Internet Revolution, Globalization, and the Global Financial Crisis created the perfect storm... Old Business models are being destroyed and jobs are disappearing offshore at an astonishing rate. Analysts warn that "China and India are poised to out-think us and out-compete us by their sheer numbers" and that "there is no job security now".

Watch the video on YouTube.

Who Ate My Lunch?
for free.