Garden Safety Can Prevent
Accidents Or Injuries
While You Enjoy Your Garden.

A lack of Garden Safety awareness can be dangerous. In the U.K. alone 300,000 people are injured each year and seek hospital treatment. Over 110,000 are children.

Lawn mowers rate top of the list of most dangerous garden tools.

247,000 Americans were treated for lawn mower related injuries in 2009. Of these 18,000 were children under 19 years of age (U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission).

Garden safety studies revealed lawn mower injuries account for 22 percent of homeyard equipment injuries (Monash University Accident Research Centre).

Garden Safety...Be Careful With Garden Tools.

home security devices garden safety

After lawn mowers, the next most common injuries from dangerous tools are caused by... secateurs & pruners, spades, electric hedgetrimmers, shears and garden forks, nylon cord edge trimmers, chipper-shredders and chain saws(ref: ROSPA).

The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission reports over 400,000 cases of garden tool related injuries are treated in hospital emergency rooms each year; and up to 3,000 fatalities are connected to yard-related accidents.

Many injuries are sustained from simple mistakes like carrying sharp tools in pockets, tripping over forks or hoses, nipping fingers with sharp blades, or falling off ladders (from over-reaching or not having a secure support or footing).

More Garden Safety Tips.

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  • Asthmatics need to minize wind-pollenating plants and select insect-cross-pollenators which produce fewer airborne allergens and are less irritating. Consider using gravel or marble chips instead of mulch (which may harbor moulds). Wear gloves and long sleeves (and a special face mask if necessary). Get a non-asthmatic to mow your lawn and keep your home's windows closed for several hours after mowing. Wash allergen contaminated clothing after gardening and take a shower.

  • Poisonous plants and shrubs which are toxic if eaten or cause skin irritation should be eliminated (e.g. Oleander, Rhus, Angels Trumpet, Cycads, Foxgloves, Frangipani).

  • Keep all sharp tools, pesticides, weed killers, chemicals, fuel containers, etc locked away.

  • If you have a garden shed keep it locked to prevent toddlers or pets from wandering in. Garden sheds are notorious for containing poisonous and dangerous chemicals (like pesticides, etc), flammable liquids (like mower fuel, paint solvents), pool chemicals (like chlorine, hydrochloric acid, algicides)... you name it. Not to mention all the sharp, pointy tools , or spiders and rhodents that might be lurking there.

  • Keep garden paths clear of tripping hazards and well lit at night.

  • Potting mix and compost can harbour deadly bacteria like Legionella Longbeachae, a form of Legionnaires' disease.They have been known to have caused a number of fatalities, especially in elderly gardeners with lower immunity. Always wear gloves and a mask when handling these materials; avoid inhaling their dust (e.g. dampen with a fine hose spray); don't shake the bag up; don't touch your face if you handled soil; and wash your hands carefully immediately afterwards. If you suddenly experience any of the following symptoms a few days later...sudden fever, dry cough, appetite loss, shortness of breath, chills, aches, headaches, or diarrhoea... consult a doctor immediately.

home security devices water feature
  • Outdoor water features are especially important when it comes to garden safety and must be childproofed to prevent drowning and properly wired up to prevent electrocution. This includes swimming pools.

  • Don't use snail pellets around young children who may be attracted to them and may eat them.

  • Make sure any outdoor barbecues can't be turned on by children.

  • Clear away rubbish that might hide snakes, spiders or vermin.
home security devices playground
  • Children's swings, slides, trampolines and climbing equipment need to be carefully set up to minimize unnecessary injuries from falls or misuse. Children under 6 shouldn't be allowed on trampolines. Adult supervision is important to ensure garden safety for toddlers. One third of home injuries to kids under 5 take place in the garden, yard or garage.

  • Garden theft is on the rise so lock everything away (get a garden shed if needs be).

  • Wear gloves when working outside to prevent insect bites, cuts or puncture wounds that might introduce fungus or bacteria (like Tetanus). Make sure your up to date with Tetanus Immunization if you like digging around in garden soil.

Garden Safety Tips.... Horticulture instructor Rio Salado College.

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by Eugene Roberts

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